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The Jewish Community of Laupheim and its Annihilation

Book Page 393  



77 Kapellenstrasse




Translators: Jennifer Schocker, Marco Savario,

Diana Maria Paius; Hi-Jung Park

Supervisor: Dr. Robynne Flynn-Diez

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, Englischabteilung


Kathi Nördlinger, single, born April 4, 1866 in Laupheim, deported August 19, 1942 to the concentration camp Theresienstadt and September 26, to the extermination camp Treblinka, murdered.

Kathi Nördlinger spent her entire life in Laupheim. It was only her last two journeys that took her away from her birthplace; first with her deportation to the concentration camp Theresienstadt, then to the extermination camp Treblinka. Nevertheless, no information could be found about her, except some statistical data and even those are not reliable.

The house at 77 Kapellen Street, in which she lived until 1937, cannot be found on any city map or in any address book because in the documents of that time the Kapellen Street ended with the numbers 75 or 76. Kathi was not related to the other Nördlinger families in the city. Her address in 1938 was registered as 64 Ulmer Street, the mansion of the Bergmanns. It had been empty since Marco and Else Bergmann had fled in early 1937 and the governmental agencies were still in dispute over its usage. For Kathi, a room in the mansion may have been a sort of temporary residence.

What is clear is that Kathi Nördlinger’s last address in Laupheim from July 1940 was Judenberg 2, where she was forced to live
in the compulsory housing of the former office of the rabbinate, the so-called “Jewish home for the elderly”. However, even here the gaps of information continue: She can neither be found on any of the photographs from the rabbinate, nor is she mentioned in Lina Wertheimer’s letters to Gideon. She is however, recorded in the list of those who were deported to the concentration camp, Theresienstadt, on August 19, 1942. Yet, the reason why she could not stay there and was displaced to Treblinka extermination camp is the last of many question marks in the life of Kathi Nördlinger, the most unknown of all the Holocaust victims of Laupheim.



Früher Judenberg 2, heute Synagogenweg 1: Das ehemalige Rabbinat,

von 1939 bis 1942 Sammel- und Zwangsunterkunft, Zwischenstation in die Vernichtungslager,

auch Kathi Nördlingers letzte Laupheimer Adresse.




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